Top Trends in Software Testing in 2021

The approach towards software testing is changing and how! Today, software testing is witnessing rapid advancements with the introduction of new technology and new approaches. The scenario is changing and QA is gradually being accepted as a necessary step in the software development process – a far cry from the optional process that it was considered even a few years back.

The introduction of concepts like Agile and DevOps introduced the need for automation, with new age automation platforms like QARA Enterprise becoming a necessity for every QA team out there. In fact, AI has emerged as the new driving force behind automation testing, towards the era of intelligent testing and an entire world of possibilities.

Today, enterprises have woken up to the significance of investing in automation testing technology in order to meet the highest quality standards. So, let us take a look at the key trends that are set to influence software testing as we step into the next decade.

1] Scriptless Test Automation

In today's fast paced environment of software development and testing, one can't miss the need to get more things done in less time. After all, the fiercely competitive market demands frequent releases and updates on applications today, which is only possible through quick development and testing. Zero coding test automation tools serve the purpose because they help QA teams save time on writing the test scripts for automation and also make it possible for all resources to work with the automation tool, irrespective of their expertise in coding and programming. This has been a growing trend in 2020 and is all set to rule the roost even in 2021.

2] IoT and Big Data Testing

According to the World Quality Report 2019-2020, less than 50% of Enterprises across the globe have an effective for IoT testing.

This number is only set to rise in 2021 because IoT is fast growing as a concept in the recent years. This will also see the need to test applications on multiple devices and platforms, making it necessary for QA teams to invest in an automated testing platform like QARA Enterprise that supports cross browser and cross platform testing.

As IoT becomes more mainstream in 2021, there will be creation of large volumes of data through all these devices, which will create the need for Big Data testing. After all, data is the biggest driving force for enterprises today and this is not going to change anytime soon.

3] Blockchain Testing

As large volumes of data take the centre stage, enterprises will face the challenge of advance security of such enormous volumes of data. In this context, data security approaches based on blockchain technology will gained prominence in 2021.

According to the Worldwide Semiannual Blockchain Spending Guide released by the International Data Corp., the worldwide annual spending on blockchain solutions is all set to reach a staggering $11.7 billion by 2022.

4] Performance Engineering

The year 2021 will be all about more focus on customer experience regarding software applications. In this context, QA teams will have shorter development cycles and frequent updates as the most important pointers in their list of testing goals.

In order to successfully meet these goals, enterprises will shift their approach towards maintaining the highest quality standards throughout each and every phase of the SDLC. This will ensure that any issues related to the performance of the application are identified at the very initial phase. To achieve this, QA teams will focus on performance testing parameters, such as scalability testing, app stability, among others, through a set of carefully defined performance metrics. In other words, application performance will be in the spotlight in 2021.

So, that was about the key trends to look for in 2021 when it comes to the domain of software testing. Which of these trends will you be most enthusiastic for? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Also, looking for a test automation tool that allows you to stay ahead of the game with your application testing strategy? Visit or drop us an email at and our team will get in touch with you.